
Solutions for storage

Dunnage shelving needs to allow for simple, easy, and flexible layouts, while providing the ultimate in visual appearance.

  • Maximize organization of storage shelving
  • Enhance the customer & employee experience

Product Benefits

Maximize organization of storage shelving
Designed to solve organizational challenges for any space. Shelves are adjustable in 1″ increments, and do not require any tools.

Enhance the customer & employee experience
VersaDunnage shelving makes it very simple to see, and retrieve any product from all spaces.

Product Specifications:

Shelf widths: 24″, 26″, 28″, 30″, 36″, 48″, 60″, 72″
Shelf depths: 16″, 18″, 20″, 24″, 27″, 36″, 42″, 48″
Shelf colors: Black, white, or gray
Shelf topper: Wire grid

Product Options

Price tag molding: Black, white, or gray
Corner shelf unit: Available
Corner shelf colors: Black, white, or gray
Corner shelf depths: 16″, 18″, 20″, 24″, 27″, 36″, 42″, 48″

Customize Your Shelving with VersaDunnage

Let us develop a solution to handle your unique merchandising or material-handling challenge today.